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Outdoorsmans Blog

  • The Do's and Don'ts of Digiscoping
    February 26, 2018

    The Do's and Don'ts of Digiscoping

    Hunters have come a long way from crude paintings on the walls of their caves that told the story of a hunts success. The modern hunter now has a plethora of tools at his disposal to record his trips into...

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  • Challenge Accepted
    September 5, 2017

    Challenge Accepted

      By: Jake Rush, Outdoorsmans Store Manager. The worst part of any hunt, whether successful or not, is the day after it comes to an end. If it was a success, you don’t want that feeling to be over. You...

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  • Checking it Twice
    July 31, 2017

    Checking it Twice

    Written By: Jake Rush - Store Manager “Did you bring the…” These dreaded words will inevitably be muttered on every hunt this coming fall! Whether you are packing to go deep into the backcountry on a multi-day hunt, or just a one day...

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